
Openbsd wol wake on lan
Openbsd wol wake on lan

ec2_group_facts Gather facts about ec2 security groups in AWS. ec2_eni Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance ec2_eni_facts Gather facts about ec2 ENI interfaces in AWS ec2_group maintain an ec2 VPC security group. ec2_eip_facts List EC2 EIP details ec2_elb De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs ec2_elb_facts Gather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS ec2_elb_lb Creates or destroys Amazon ELB. ec2_customer_gateway Manage an AWS customer gateway ec2_customer_gateway_facts Gather facts about customer gateways in AWS ec2_eip manages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses.

#Openbsd wol wake on lan update#

ec2 create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2 ec2_ami create or destroy an image in ec2 ec2_ami_copy copies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id ec2_ami_facts Gather facts about ec2 AMIs ec2_ami_find Searches for AMIs to obtain the AMI ID and other information ec2_asg Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Groups ec2_asg_facts Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS ec2_asg_lifecycle_hook Create, delete or update AWS ASG Lifecycle Hooks.

openbsd wol wake on lan

dynamodb_ttl set TTL for a given DynamoDB table. cloudtrail manage CloudTrail create, delete, update cloudwatchevent_rule Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets cloudwatchlogs_log_group create or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts get facts about log_group in CloudWatchLogs data_pipeline Create and manage AWS Datapipelines dynamodb_table Create, update or delete AWS Dynamo DB tables. cloudfront_facts Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFront distribution cloudfront_invalidation create invalidations for aws cloudfront distributions cloudfront_origin_access_identity create, update and delete origin access identities for a cloudfront distribution. aws_waf_rule create and delete WAF Rules aws_waf_web_acl create and delete WAF Web ACLs cloudformation Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack cloudformation_facts Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFormation stack cloudformation_stack_set Manage groups of CloudFormation stacks cloudfront_distribution create, update and delete aws cloudfront distributions. aws_waf_condition create and delete WAF Conditions aws_waf_facts Retrieve facts for WAF ACLs, Rule, Conditions and Filters. aws_s3_bucket_facts Lists S3 buckets in AWS aws_s3_cors Manage CORS for S3 buckets in AWS aws_ses_identity Manages SES email and domain identity aws_ses_identity_policy Manages SES sending authorization policies aws_sgw_facts Fetch AWS Storage Gateway facts aws_ssm_parameter_store Manage key-value pairs in aws parameter store. aws_kms_facts Gather facts about AWS KMS keys aws_region_facts Gather facts about AWS regions. aws_eks_cluster Manage Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters aws_elasticbeanstalk_app create, update, and delete an elastic beanstalk application aws_glue_connection Manage an AWS Glue connection aws_glue_job Manage an AWS Glue job aws_inspector_target Create, Update and Delete Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets aws_kms Perform various KMS management tasks.

openbsd wol wake on lan

aws_direct_connect_virtual_interface Manage Direct Connect virtual interfaces. aws_direct_connect_link_aggregation_group Manage Direct Connect LAG bundles. aws_config_aggregation_authorization Manage cross-account AWS Config authorizations aws_config_aggregator Manage AWS Config aggregations across multiple accounts aws_config_delivery_channel Manage AWS Config delivery channels aws_config_recorder Manage AWS Config Recorders aws_config_rule Manage AWS Config resources aws_direct_connect_connection Creates, deletes, modifies a DirectConnect connection aws_direct_connect_gateway Manage AWS Direct Connect Gateway. aws_batch_compute_environment Manage AWS Batch Compute Environments aws_batch_job_definition Manage AWS Batch Job Definitions aws_batch_job_queue Manage AWS Batch Job Queues aws_caller_facts Get facts about the user and account being used to make AWS calls. Cloud Amazon aws_acm_facts Retrieve certificate facts from AWS Certificate Manager service aws_api_gateway Manage AWS API Gateway APIs aws_application_scaling_policy Manage Application Auto Scaling Scaling Policies aws_az_facts Gather facts about availability zones in AWS.

Openbsd wol wake on lan